Getting the precise latitude/longitude is important, to ensure that your visitors know precisely where they are heading to .
Whilst a postcode works well for SOME venues, it isn’t universal.
How to get the latitude/longitude for your venue.
1 Visit Google Maps, and find your venue
2 Locate the precise spot on the map (ideally on an actual road) that you want visitors to drive to.
Usually, this would be the entrance to a car park, or for on-road parking, the closest parking space to the venue entrance/gate.
3 Click with your right mouse button on that spot
You will see a small menu appear – with the latitude/longitude marked at the top.
Click this entry, and the latitude/longitude will be copied to the clipboard.
4 Copy this information into the Venue Submission form
5 We will help you, if you struggle with this.
Enter 0 and 0 in the latitude/longitude form, and – provided you give us some contact details – we will complete this part for you.